Catherine Plaisant – Older News Items
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Oct. 5, 2017: Invited seminar at the University of Montreal
July 6, 2017: SIGCHI-Paris Seminar
June 30, 2017: Full Day Tutorial in Paris: Event Analytics and the Visualization of Temporal Event Sequences
June 27, 2017: Invited talk at “Le SNIIRAM pour la Recherche en Santé” in Rennes
June 19, 2017: Invited seminar at INRIA Lille
June 7, 2017: Keynote at Journées Visu 2017, Rueil-Malmaison
June-July 2017: Thanks to a Digiscosme Visiting Professor grant I spent two months working at INRIA with Jean-Daniel Fekete and his colleagues in Paris. It was great to work in Paris again, and spend weekends visiting friends and family.
May 2017: Received the Dean’s Distinguished Research Scientist Award
May 2016: As part of the HCIL Symposium we organized a workshop on Temporal Event Sequence Analysis + EventFlow and CoCo user group meeting. Join us on May 26!
Feb 2016: Early work on touchscreen heavily cited in legal documents leading to invalidation of Apple “Slide to unlock” patent (see Ars Technica story)
Spring 2016: the 6th edition of Designing the User Interface should be in bookstores near you in April/May 2016.
Fall 2015: Happy to be included in Ben Shneiderman’s “Encounters with HCI pioneers: a personal photo journal”.
6/2015: Story on our Twinlist prototype for medication reconciliation appears in User Experience, the Magazine of the User Experience Professionals Association.
12/2014: I was elected to the SIGCHI Academy, an ACM award. Thank you to all students and colleagues who made it possible, in particular Ben Shneiderman, my close partner for 28+ years.
12/10/2014: We contributed several chapters to this new eBook summarizing results from the Sharp-C project: Better EHR: Usability, workflow and cognitive support in electronic health records

12/8/2014: AMIA 2014 talk on “Reducing Wrong Patient Selection Errors: Exploring the Design Space of User Interface Techniques” already has an impact as vendors start implementing our recommendations
12/01/2014: Our book chapter on Information Visualization – including a case study of the use of EventFlow for the analyis of asthma medication prescriptions now available as Chapter 12 of Big Data and Health Analytics, Katherine Marconi and Harold Lehman (Eds), CRC Press – Taylor and Francis (2014).

11/09/2014: Our VIS 2014 workshop EHRVis – Visualizing Electronic Health Record Data was a great success (150+ listened to the morning talks, and 50+ followed us to the different afternoon venue for discussions and indepth demos, which ran overtime till 6:30 – on a Sunday, in Paris… We are now planning ahead for next year, and coordinating with AMIA events.
7/1/2014: Check out Inspired EHRs: Designing for Clinicians, an eBook for developers of Electronic Health Record systems. You will find clinical scenarios, designs, interactive prototypes, and introductory materials on human factors, design and usability.

01/2014: cplaisant Twitter account was hacked (grrrr) and therefore deactivated. Thanking my colleagues for keeping up with the tweeting.
11/2013: Twinlist project on medication reconciliation gets Distinguished Paper award at AMIA 2013
01/2013: Oracle Health Science released a beautiful VIDEO discussing our research on the Visualizing temporal patterns in Electronic Health Record data. (also UMd version)

11/2013: Keynote of the IE Lab Usability Conference for occasion of the 10th anniversary of the University of Missouri Information Experience Lab.
02/2013: See the Gartner’s report on Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms
2012: Keynotes at Diagrams 2012 and NEAIR 2012
12/2011: AMIA webinar on visualization of temporal health record data.
12-2011: Our 1988-91 work on touchscreen becomes hot again when cited in legal attacks on Apple patents.
I was interviewed for this NEWS STORY ON UK CHANNEL 4 NEWS

Sorry: didn’t enter anything before that, but you can look at the looong resume if you need to see more.