External Awards
See also the HCIL Student Awards

Our faculty have garnered numerous fellowships and awards for their influence in the field of HCI, including NSF Early Career Awards and millions of dollars in research funding. Below we highlight some of these awards.
AAAS Fellows
- 2001 – Dr. Ben Shneiderman
ACM Fellows
- 1997 – Dr. Ben Shneiderman
ACM Distinguished Scientists
- 2018 – Dr. Jennifer Golbeck
- 2018 – Dr. Niklas Elmqvist
- 2014 – Dr. Allison Druin
- 2011 – Dr. Ben Bederson
IEEE Fellows
- 2012 – Dr. Ben Shneiderman
IEEE TVCG Career Award
- 2020 – Dr. Catherine Plaisant
- 2012 – Dr. Ben Shneiderman
NAE Members
- 2010 – Dr. Ben Shneiderman
NAI Fellows
- 2015 – Dr. Ben Shneiderman
ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Achievement Awards
- 2001 – Dr. Ben Shneiderman
- 2021 – Dr. Jonathan Lazar
- 2016 – Dr. Allison Druin
- 2015 – Dr. Catherine Plaisant
- 2012 – Dr. Ben Bederson
- 2011 – Dr. Jenny Preece
- 2001 – Dr. Ben Shneiderman
ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Service Awards
- 2020 – Dr. Catherine Plaisant
ACM SIGCHI Social Impact Award
- 2016 – Dr. Jonathan Lazar
- 2010 – Dr. Ben Bederson
- 2010 – Dr. Allison Druin
ACM SIGACCESS Award for Outstanding Contributions to Computing and Accessibility
- 2020 – Dr. Jonathan Lazar
National Academy of Inventors
- 2015 – Dr. Ben Shneiderman
DARPA Young Faculty Award
- 2020 – Dr. Michelle Mazurek
NSF Early Career Awards
- 2022 – Dr. David Weintrop, API Can Code: Situating Computational Learning Opportunities in the Digital Lives of Students
- 2021 – Dr. Amanda Lazar, Advancing Remote Collaboration: Inclusive Design for People with Dementia
- 2020 – Dr. Michelle Mazurek, Improving the Reliability of Human-Centered Secure-Development Research
- 2019 – Dr. John Dickerson, Scalable and Robust Dynamic Matching Market Design
- 2017 – Dr. Eun Kyoung Choe, Advancing Personal Informatics through Semi-Automated and Collaborative Tracking
- 2014 – Dr. Leah Findlater, Scaling Up Mobile Accessibility through Touchscreen Personalization
- 2013 – Dr. Niklas Elmqvist, Ubilytics: Harnessing Existing Device Ecosystems for Anywhere Sensemaking
- 2001 – Dr. Allison Druin, A Classroom of the Future: Developing and Infusing New Technologies in Early Childhood Education
Grants and Fellowships
- David Weintrop: Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Jason Farman: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Grant for the Public Understanding of Science and Technology (2017-2018)
- June Ahn, John Rice. Blended Learning at Scale–Implementation and Analysis of Student Achievement in District of Columbia Public Schools. Institute of Education Sciences.
- Jen Golbeck, Jessica Vitak, Zahra Ashktorab, Soham De, Srijan Kumar. iAnon: Third Party Application for Cyberbullying Detection and Mitigation. FIA-Deutsch Seed Grant.
- Nicholas Diakopoulos. Algorithmic Accountability Reporting. Tow Center via Knight Foundation.
- Nicholas Diakopoulos, Richard Marciano, Karen Mawdsley, Liz Tobey, Emily Keithley, James Howland, Drew Barker. Revisiting Segregation through Computational History. FIA-Deutsch Seed Grant.
- Ben Bederson, Ginger Jin, Philip Leslie. A Nationwide Database of Food Safety Inspections for Retail Establishment. Maryland Innovation Initiative.
- Tamara Clegg, June Ahn, Jason Yip. DIP: ScienceKit for ScienceEverywhere – A Seamless Scientizing Ecosystem for Raising Scientifically-Minded Children. National Science Foundation.
- Nicholas Diakopoulos. CommentIQ. Knight Foundation.
- Jon Froehlich, Tamara Clegg, Leyla Norooz. BodyViz: Advancing New Science Learning and Inquiry Experiences via Custom Designed Wearable On-Body Sensing and Visualization. National Science Foundation.
- Jon Froehlich, Leah Findlater, Rama Chellappa. HandSight. U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command via the Department of Defense.
- June Ahn, Kari Kraus. Collaborative Research: Advancing Informal STEM Learning through Scientific Alternate Reality Games. National Science Foundation.
- Ben Bederson. XParty: Synchronous Online Language Learning. Huawei.
- Ben Bederson. XParty: Synchronous Peer Learning in MOOCs. Google.
- Jason Farman, Daniel Greene, Jarah Moesch, Paul Nezaum Saiedi, Jessica Kenyatta Walker, James B. Wills. Approach: Every Voice, Every Path. FIA-Deutsch Foundation Seed Grant.
- Jon Froehlich, David Jacobs. HCC: Medium: Combining Crowdsourcing and Computer Vision for Street-level Accessibility. National Science Foundation.
- Evan Golub, Jennifer Hottle, Kelsey Hughes, Claire Naylor, Eliana Vornov. Citizen Journalists Toolkit. FIA-Deutsch Foundation Seed Grant.
- Kari Kraus, Min Wu, Doug Oard. Exploring Invisible Traces in Historic Recordings. ADVANCE Program Interdisciplinary and Engaged Research Grant.
- Catherine Plaisant. Visualization of Health Data to Improve Outcomes. Maryland Industrial Partnerships with Pulse8.
- Brian Butler, June Ahn. RAPID: Understanding and Designing Community Dynamics in a Massively Open Online Course Platform, the Peer 2 Peer University. National Science Foundation.
- Allison Druin. Redesigning the Future with Children. National Parks Service.
- Allison Druin. Understanding How Children Change as Searchers. Google Research Award.
- Allison Druin. Understanding Social Communities for Children. Nickelodeon.
- Allison Druin, Pat O’Shea, Ira Chinoy. The Future of Information Alliance. Robert W. Deutsch Foundation.
- Allison Druin, Mary Lou Mayer, Tim Clausner. HCC: Small: Designing Tangible Computing for Creativity. National Science Foundation.
- Jon Froehlich. Faculty Research Award. Google.
- Jen Golbeck, Aravind Srinivasan, Lise Getoor. E-VERIFY: Learning and Predicting Ties in Social Networks. IARPA.
- Jen Golbeck. Trust in Crowds. Office of Naval Research.
- June Ahn, Allison Druin, Mega Subramaniam, Kenneth Fleischmann. Developing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Identities through Participation in Science-Infused Media and Virtual Peer Networks. National Science Foundation.
- Ben Bederson (co-PI). Digital Disclosure of a Nationally Standardized Database of Restaurant Food Safety Inspection. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
- Ben Bederson. Search Party: Learning to Search in a Web-Based Classroom. Google.
- Ben Bederson. Search Party: Web-Based Classroom Learning to Search. Google.
- Ben Bederson (c0-PI). Translate the World: A Unified Framework for Crowdsourcing Translation. Google.
- Allison Druin. Understanding Social Communities for Children. Nickelodeon.
- Leah Findlater. Personalized Input for Touchscreen Interaction. Google.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Information Visualization. Oracle Corporation.
- Ben Bederson, Allison Druin. Nokia Innovation Award: Mobile Learning. Nokia Research.
- Allison Druin. Programming in Extreme Mobile Situations. National Science Foundation.
- Allison Druin. Understanding how Children Change as Searchers. Google.
- Allison Druin, Jenny Preece. Extreme Ethnography: When Content and Tools Change Continually on Vast Scales, How Must Our Research Methods Change? National Science Foundation.
- Allison Druin, Jen Golbeck, Paul T. Jaeger. Workshop on Doctoral Education in the iSchools. National Science Foundation.
- Allison Druin, Mike Stieff, Philip DeShong. Connected Chemistry Curriculum. U.S. Department of Education.
- Jen Golbeck. Grant for Workshop on Social Trust Computing. Army Research Office.
- Jen Golbeck. Rigorous Probabilistic Trust-inference with Applications to Social Network Analysis. Army Research Office.
- Jen Golbeck. Semantic Web Informatics for Species in Space and Time. National Science Foundation.
- Kari Kraus (co-PI). Preserving Virtual Worlds II: Methods for Evaluating and Preserving Significant Properties of Educational Games and Complex Interactive Environments (PVW2). Institute of Museum and Library Services National Leadership Grant.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Cognitive Information Design and Visualization for the National Center for Cognitive Informatics and Decision Making in Healthcare. Office of National Coordinator of Health Information Technology.
- Catherine Plaisant. Health and Pandemic Data Analysis Evaluation. Battelle – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Supporting a Nation of Neighbors with Community Analysis Visualization Environments. National Science Foundation.
- Ben Bederson. CDI Type I: Translation as a Collaborative Process. National Science Foundation.
- Ben Bederson (co-PI). Literacy 360 Alliance. Sesame Workshop/Hewlett Foundation.
- Ben Bederson. Translation as a Collaborative Process. Google.
- Allison Druin. Developing a New Technology for the President’s Park. National Park Service.
- Allison Druin. Google Research Award. Google.
- Jen Golbeck. Center for Network Science. Army Research Office.
- Jen Golbeck. Email Filtering with Trust. Samsung Technologies of America.
- Jen Golbeck. Trust in Open Networks. DARPA.
- Jen Golbeck, Ugur Kuter. Behavior Network Diagrams. National Geospatial Intelligence Agency.
- Jen Golbeck, Ugur Kuter. EAGER: Understanding Social Behavior in Real-Time Strategy Games. National Science Foundation.
- Kari Kraus, Derek Hansen. Alternate Reality Games in the Service of Education and Design. National Science Foundation.
- Catherine Plaisant. Collaborative Research: User-Centered Visual Analytics Evaluation. National Science Foundation.
- Catherine Plaisant. Collaborative Research: Visual Analytics Science and Technology 2009 Challenge Workshop. National Science Foundation.
Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Information Design and Usability Toolkit. Westat Corporation.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Interactive Exploration of Temporal Patterns in Electronic Health Records. NIH – National Cancer Institute.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). User Interface Research. Lockheed Martin.
- Catherine Plaisant. Visualization. US Department of Transportation – Tier 1 University Transportation Center.
- Ben Bederson (co-PI). ICDL Elias Project. Eliassen Foundation.
- Ben Bederson (co-PI). ICDL ClassmatePC Project. Intel.
- Ben Bederson, Allison Druin. Designing and Understanding Intergenerational Mobile Learning Communities. National Science Foundation.
- Ben Bederson, Allison Druin. International Children’s Digital Library Phase 2. Government of Mongolia Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.
- Allison Druin. Google Research Award. Google.
- Allison Druin. Understanding Children’s Online Information Needs: Enhancing Children’s Experiences with the National Park System through WebRangers. National Parks Service.
- Jen Golbeck. ArchivesZ: Visualizing Archival Collections. National Endowment for the Humanities.
- Jen Golbeck, Judith Klavans. T3: Text, Tagging and Trust to Improve Image Access for Museums and Libraries. Institute for Museum and Library Services.
- Kari Kraus. iSchool-Digital Humanities Model Internship Program. Institute of Museum and Library Services.
- Kari Kraus (co-PI). Preserving Virtual Worlds. Preserving Creative America initiative under the National Digital Information Infrastructure Preservation Program (NDIIPP) administered by the Library of Congress.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Discovering Patterns of Events in Medical Patient Records. Washington Hospital Center.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Evaluating cooperation among NCI partners. National Cancer Institute / IDox.
- Catherine Plaisant. Visual Analytics Evaluation. National Institute of Standards and Technology.
- Ben Bederson, Allison Druin. Workshop on Children’s Mobile Devices. National Science Foundation.
- Allison Druin. Collaborations with Kidsteam. Discovery Communications.
- Allison Druin. Exploring the use of Panwapa. Sesame Workshop.
- Jen Golbeck. A Graphical Game Theoretic Asymmetric Tactic and Strategy Generation for Simulation and Training. Office of Naval Research.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Discovering Patterns of Events in Medical Patient Records. Washington Hospital Center.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Metadata Offer New Knowledge. Mellon Foundation.
- Catherine Plaisant. Scientific Evaluation Methods for Visual Analytics. National Science Foundation.
- Catherine Plaisant. Visual Analytics Evaluation. National Institute of Standards and Technology.
- Ben Bederson, Allison Druin. Creating Digital Libraries in Mongolia. Government of Mongolia Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.
- Ben Bederson, Paul Herrnson. Usability Study of Independent Voter Verification Systems. National Science Foundation.
- Allison Druin. Collaborations with Kidsteam. Microsoft Research.
- Allison Druin. Redesigning WebRangers. National Parks Service.
- Catherine Plaisant. Visual Analytics Evaluation. National Institute of Standards and Technology.
- Ben Bederson. Piccolo graphics toolkit. IBM Faculty Award.
- Ben Bederson. Human-Information Interaction Research. Booz Allen/ ARDA.
- Ben Bederson, Paul Herrnson. Maryland State Board of Elections.
- Ben Bederson (co-PI). Joint Institute for Knowledge Discovery.
- Allison Druin. Collaborations with Kidsteam. Microsoft Research.
- Allison Druin. New Mobile Technologies for Children. Microsoft Research.
- Allison Druin, Joseph JaJa, Doug Oard. Robust Technologies. National Science Foundation.
- Ben Bederson. Automatic Thumbnail Cropping. Toshiba.
- Ben Bederson. Interaction Design and Visualization. Microsoft.
- Allison Druin. Designing a Website for Children to Engage with US Census Data. United States Census Bureau.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Human – Information Interaction Research. ARDA/Booz Allen Hamilton.
- Ben Bederson, Paul Herrnson, Richard Niemi, Michael Traugott. An Assessment of Voting Technology and Ballot Design. National Science Foundation.
- Ben Bederson. Zoomable User Interfaces for the Semantic Web. DARPA.
- Allison Druin, Philip Resnik, Jenny Preece. Technology for Cross-Cultural Communication in a Children’s International Book Community. National Science Foundation Human-Computer Interaction Program.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Advanced User Interfaces. National Center for Health Statistics.
- Ben Bederson. Search Interfaces for Biodiversity Informatics. National Science Foundation.
- Allison Druin, Ben Bederson. The Children’s International Digital Library. IMLS.
Allison Druin, Ben Bederson, Nancy Kaplan, Stuart Malthrop. An HCI Partnership Serving Underrepresented Groups. National Science Foundation.
- Allison Druin, Ben Bederson, Ann Weeks. Developing a Children’s International Digital Library. National Science Foundation.
- Catherine Plaisant, Ben Bederson. Information Visualization for the Oilfield of the Future. Chevron.
Catherine Plaisant. Toward the National Statistical Knowledge Network. National Science Foundation.
- Ben Bederson. Mobile Interfaces. Microsoft Research.
- Ben Bederson. Mobile Interfaces and .NET. Microsoft Research.
- Ben Bederson. Zoomable User Interfaces for the Semantic Web. DARPA.
- Allison Druin. Digital Libraries for Children. National Science Foundation Digital Libraries Initiative.
- Allison Druin, Ben Bederson. InterLiving: Designing Interactive, Intergenerational Interfaces for Living Together. European Union Disappearing Computer.
- Allison Druin, Catherine Plaisant. Robot Toolkit for Rehabilitation- Year 2. Maryland Industrial Partnership.
- Allison Druin, V.S. Simsarian. Robotics Research. DARPA.
- Ben Bederson, Catherine Plaisant. Information Visualization. Chevron.
- Allison Druin. Robotic Toys. ToyTech.
- Allison Druin, V.S. Simsarian. Robotics Research. DARPA.
- Kent Norman. Human-Computer Interaction for the Bureau of the Census. U.S. Bureau of the Census.
- Kent Norman. Human-Computer Interaction for the Bureau of the Census. U.S. Bureau of the Census.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Advanced User Interfaces. U. S. Bureau of the Census.
Catherine Plaisant, Allison Druin. Robot Toolkit for Rehabilitation. Maryland Industrial Partnership and AnthroTronix.
- Ben Bederson. Unified Zoomable Environment (UZE) for Command Post of the Future. Lockheed Martin. DARPA.
- Ben Bederson. Zoomable User Interfaces. Sun Microsystems.
- Allison Druin. Advanced Research in Developing New Technologies for Children. 3-D Open Motion.
- Allison Druin. Digital Libraries for Children. National Science Foundation Digital Libraries Initiative.
- Allison Druin. A Web Site for Children. United States Census Bureau.
- Kent Norman. Training and Research with the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory. U. S. Bureau of the Census.
- Kent Norman. Training and Research with the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory. U. S. Bureau of the Census.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Advanced User Interfaces. U. S. Bureau of the Census.
- Ben Bederson. Graphical User Interfaces based on Zooming. Travista.
- Ben Bederson. Pad++: Zoomable User Interfaces. UNM / DARPA.
- Ben Bederson. Zoomable User Interfaces for InImEx and Command Post of the Future. DARPA.
- Ben Bederson, Allison Druin. KidStory. European Union – Esprit, Intelligent Information Interfaces.
- Allison Druin. Career Challenges: Integrating Technology in Career Curriculum for Students with Special Needs. Maryland State Dept. of Education Grant.
- Kent Norman. Training and Research with the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory. U. S. Bureau of the Census.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Advanced User Interfaces. U. S. Bureau of the Census.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Dynamic Queries Interfaces for the EOSDIS Information System. NASA – Goddard.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Interfaces for Advanced Transportation Systems. Maryland State Highway Administration.
Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). User Interface Training and Evaluation. U.S. Bureau of the Census.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Dynamic Queries Interfaces for the EOSDIS Information System. NASA – Goddard.
- Kent Norman. Beyond Supervisory Control: Cognitive Issues in Human Interaction with Autonomous Satellites. NASA – Goddard.
- Kent Norman. Interface Apparency and Manipulability: Cognitive Gateways through the Spatial Visualization Barrier in Computer-Based Technologies. National Science Foundation.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Dynamic Queries Interfaces for the EOSDIS Information System. NASA – Goddard.
- Kent Norman (co-PI). Implementing a Collaborative Course on Human-Computer Interaction Using Computer-Based VideoTeleconferencing: The Circle Project Phase 3. Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Improving Usability in Information Services. General Electric Information Systems and Maryland Industrial Partnership Program.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). User Interfaces for the Earth Observing System (EOSDIS). NASA – Goddard.
- Catherine Plaisant. User Interfaces for the National Digital Library. Library of Congress.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). User Interfaces for the New Youth Services Information Systems. Maryland Department of Juvenile Services.
- Kent Norman (co-PI). Information Systems User Interfaces. Department of Juvenile Services, State of Maryland.
- Kent Norman (co-PI). Infrastructure Analysis for Collaborative Distance Learning in the Consortium. Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Information Systems User Interfaces. Maryland Department of Juvenile Services.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). User interface for the Visible Human Project. National Library of Medicine.
- Kent Norman. Collaborative Distance Learning in the Consortium: Designing a Course in Human-Computer Interaction. Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Advanced Network Management. Hughes Network Management with Maryland Industrial Partnerships.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). User Interface of the Future. The World Bank.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Video on Demand User Interfaces. IBM.
- Kent Norman (co-PI). Computer Interface Design for Intermediate Results for the Grateful Med. National Library of Medicine.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Dynamic Queries for National Health Data. National Center for Health Statistics.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Human Factors and User Interface Design for Medical Imaging Workstation. Maryland Industrial Partnerships with Corabi International Telemetrics Inc.
- Kent Norman (co-PI). Human Factors and User Interface Devices. Maryland Industrial Partnerships with Custom Command Systems.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Continuation of Previous Work on Hypertext Environments and Touchscreen Applications. National Cash Register Corporation.
- Kent Norman (co-PI). A Survey of the Library of Congress LOCIS System. Library of Congress.
- Kent Norman. Teaching Theater: An Environment for Collaborative Learning and Research. AT&T.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). Extensions to Hyperties. National Cash Register Corporation.
- Kent Norman (co-PI). Human Factors and User Interface Devices. Maryland Industrial Partnerships with American Voice and Robotics.
- Kent Norman (co-PI). Human Factors and User Interface Devices for Home Automation Systems. Maryland Industrial Partnerships with American Voice and Robotics.
- Catherine Plaisant (co-PI). User Interfaces for Home Applications. Maryland Industrial Partnerships with Custom Command Systems Inc.
- Kent Norman (co-PI). Human-Computer Interaction Research. AT&T.
- Kent Norman. Developing an effective user evaluation questionnaire for interactive systems. National Science Foundation.
- Kent Norman (co-PI). Human-Computer Interaction Research. AT&T.
- Kent Norman (co-PI). Cooperative Problem Solving with Multiple Displays. IBM-FSD.
- Kent Norman (co-PI). Cooperative Problem Solving with Multiple Displays. IBM Fulcrum Project.
- Kent Norman. Human/Computer Interaction Research on Menu Selection. Control Data Corporation.