University of Maryland

ARCHIVE – Collaborating Groups and People

In addition to the people who are everyday members of the HCIL, we collaborate on a broader basis with a number of people on campus, but collaborations evolve over time, and we list here the people we collaborated with in the past.


Department of Computer Science
Amol Deshpande
Bonnie Dorr
Lise Getoor
Dave Mount
Amitabh Varshney

College of Information– Maryland’s INFO College
Gary Marchionini (now at UNC Chapel Hill)
Dagobert Soergel
John Bertot

College of Journalism
John Newhagen
Ronald A. Yaros
Nick Diakopoulos

Department of Geography
John Townshend
Derek Thompson

Department of Sociology
John Robinson
Alan Neustadtl

Center for American Politics and Citizenship
Paul Herrnson, Director

Robert H. Smith School of Business
Wolfgang Jank

History Department
Ken Holum

Ellen Borkowski, Director of Academic Support, OIT
Dave McNabbVisualization and Presentation Laboratory