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BBL Speaker Series: The Road Less Taken: Pathways to Ethical and Responsible Technologies

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Speaker: Dr. Susan Winter, Associate Dean for Research, College of Information Studies, the University of Maryland

Location: HBK 2105 and Zoom Watch Here!

Abstract: Technology is no longer just about technology – now it is about living. So, how do we have ethical technology that creates a better life and a better society? Technology must become truly “human-centered,” not just “human-aware” or “human-adjacent”. Diverse users and advocacy groups must become equal partners in initial co-design and in continual assessment and management of information systems with human, social, physical, and technical components. But we cannot get there without radically transforming how we think about, develop, and use technologies. In this chapter, we explore new models for digital humanism and discuss effective tools and techniques for designing, building, and maintaining sociotechnical systems that are built to be, and remain continuously ethical, responsible, and human-centered.

Bio: Dr. Susan Winter, Associate Dean for Research, College of Information Studies, the University of Maryland. Dr. Winter studies the co-evolution of technology and work practices, and the organization of work. She has recently focused on ethical issues surrounding civic technologies and smart cities, the social and organizational challenges of data reuse, and collaboration among information workers and scientists acting within highly institutionalized sociotechnical systems. Her work has been supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation and by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. She was previously a Science Advisor in the Directorate for Social Behavioral and Economic Sciences, a Program Director, and Acting Deputy Director of the Office of Cyberinfrastructure at the National Science Foundation supporting distributed, interdisciplinary scientific collaboration for complex data-driven and computational science. She received her PhD from the University of Arizona, her MA from the Claremont Graduate University, and her BA from the University of California, Berkeley.

!! There are hundreds of productivity apps and tools to help you get work done–far too many for any one person to go through and figure out what works best for them. In this week’s BBL, we want you to share the tools, apps, and tips you use to help you in your research, classwork, and writing. How do you stay organized? What helps you be productive? What are things that didn’t work for you? We’ll talk about what people like and don’t and run some quick demos during this BBL.

Fill out this form to share what you use.

Join us in the lab (HBK-2105) or on Zoom to hear about cool tools and to share the ones you use!