WORKSHOP: Temporal Event Sequence Analysis EventFlow and CoCo User Group Meeting 2016
WORKSHOP: Temporal Event Sequence Analysis
EventFlow and CoCo User Group Meeting
Thursday, May 26, 2016
A workshop of the
33rd Human-Computer Interaction Lab Symposium
University of Maryland
Overview and Topics
The growing volume of temporal data available from sensors, social media sources, Web logs, and medical histories present remarkable opportunities for researchers and policy analysts. Research at HCIL has led to the development of a family of tools for the exploration of temporal event sequences, such as EventFlow to summarize and search event sequence patterns and CoCo – short for Cohort Comparison — for the comparison of groups of records and their event sequences.
This workshop will allow researchers who are using those tools to share their findings and strategies for successful event data analysis. We anticipate various application domains to be discussed, including the analysis of Electronic Health Record data, activity log analysis, learning analytics, and more. We also welcome discussions of other uses of visual approaches, statistical methods, machine learning, etc. to study temporal patterns in event sequences, where the goals may be to find common patterns, rare events, similar records etc. Topics might also include data cleaning, integration from multiple sources, coping with incomplete or conflicting information, and presentation of result sets.
This workshop will include talks (followed by ample time for discussions) from:
- HCIL researchers (e.g. our latest work on EventFlow and our newer work on cohort comparison)
- Users of HCIL tools such as EventFlow (who will be invited to report on their case studies), and
- Other researchers working on similar topics will be selected to present their work (please contact us if you are interested).
To Present Your Work:
- If you are interested in presenting please submit a short abstract (~ 300 words max). Summarize what you would like to present on the topic of Exploring Temporal Patterns in Electronic Health Record Data, and provide pointers to papers and screen shots as needed.
- Submit to Catherine Plaisant at (Deadline: May 1, 2016, Notification: May 8, 2016). If we receive too many requests, we may ask you to bring a poster for presentation during the breaks.
To Participate:
Come and join us! The workshop is opened to all. Space permitting, so plan to register early (mid-May at the latest is best).
- Catherine Plaisant — Senior Research Scientist, HCIL
- Ben Shneiderman — Professor of Computer Science
- Fan Du — Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Computer Science
Questions: Please contact Catherine Plaisant (
Agenda (PDF)
The workshop will take place at Room 3120. Other symposium activities are on the 1st floor (directions).
- 08:15am – Symposium Registration, Breakfast
- 09:00am – Symposium Plenary Talks (more information)
- 1:00pm-2:20pm – Workshop Session I
- Introduction (video)
- Ben Shneiderman, HCIL, University of Maryland
- EventFlow Overview (slides | video)
- Catherine Plaisant, HCIL, University of Maryland
- Giardiasis Diagnosis and Treatment in the United States: New Tools for an Old Disease (abstract | slides | video)
- Karlyn D. Beer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Modeling Drug and Medical Device Innovation as Temporal Sequences Using EventFlow (abstract | slides | video)
- C. Scott Dempwolf, Urban Studies and Planning Program, University of Maryland
- Introduction (video)
- 2:35pm-4:10pm – Workshop Session II
- Everyday Use of EventFlow in an Academic Teaching Hospital (abstract | video)
- Gloria Lipori, Chief Data Officer, University of Florida Health and University of Florida Health Science Center
- High-Volume Hypothesis Testing: Systematic Exploration of Event Sequence Comparisons (abstract | slides | video)
- Sana Malik1, Ben Shneiderman1, Fan Du1, Catherine Plaisant1, Margret Bjarnadottir2
- 1HCIL, University of Maryland; 2Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland
- Sana Malik1, Ben Shneiderman1, Fan Du1, Catherine Plaisant1, Margret Bjarnadottir2
- Analyzing Medical Claim Data with CoCo (slides)
- Margret Bjarnadottir, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland
- Other Examples of CoCo Analysis (slides | video)
- Sana Malik, HCIL, University of Maryland
- Everyday Use of EventFlow in an Academic Teaching Hospital (abstract | video)
- 4:25pm-5:00pm – Workshop Session III
- Visual Analytics for Temporal Event Sequence Recommendation (abstract | slides | poster | video)
- Fan Du1, Catherine Plaisant1, Neil Spring2, Ben Shneiderman1
- 1HCIL, University of Maryland; 2Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland
- Fan Du1, Catherine Plaisant1, Neil Spring2, Ben Shneiderman1
- Discussion & Other Examples of EventFlow Use
- Catherine Plaisant, HCIL, University of Maryland
- Visual Analytics for Temporal Event Sequence Recommendation (abstract | slides | poster | video)
- 05:00pm – Symposium Demos, Posters, Reception
- 06:30pm – Symposium Ends
Event Logistics
- Symposium Registration (now open).
- Accommodations.
- Directions, Maps, and Parking Information.
- All activities will take place in CSIC (Computer Science Instruction Center), near the AV Williams bldg / Computer Science department (also near Route 1).
- Plan enough time for parking.
- Coffee and light breakfast will be available in the morning during the demos.
- Lunch will include some vegetarian offerings.
Related HCIL Materials
- Strategy Paper: Du, F., Shneiderman, B., Plaisant, C., Malik, S., Perer, A., Coping with Volume and Variety in Temporal Event Sequences: Strategies for Sharpening Analytic Focus, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, in press.
- CoCo Paper: Malik, S., Shneiderman, B., Du, F., Plaisant, C., Bjarnadottir, M., High-Volume Hypothesis Testing: Systematic Exploration of Event Sequence Comparisons, ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, in press.
- Review Paper: Rind, A., Wang, T., Aigner, W., Miksch, S., Wongsuphasawat, K., Plaisant, C., Shneiderman, B., Interactive Information Visualization for Exploring and Querying Electronic Health Records: A Systematic Review, Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 5, No. 3 (2013) 207-298.
- EventFlow
- CoCo for Cohort Comparison
- LifeFlow (older)
- LifeLines2 (older)
- LifeLines (older)
Upcoming or Past Related Events
- Temporal Event Sequence Analysis Workshop (May 2015)
- Visual Analytics in Healthcare workshops at AMIA or IEEE Vis
- 2014 IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization fof EHR data, Paris, France, November 9, 2014
- HCIL Exploring Electronic Health Records Workshop 2014 (May 2014)
- HCIL Exploring Electronic Health Records Workshop 2013 (June 2013)
- HCIL EventFlow User Group Meeting (November 2012)
- HCIL EHR Informatics Workshop 2012
- HCIL EHR Informatics Workshop 2011
- HCIL Interactive Visual Exploration of Electronic Health Records (2008)
- HCIL Personal Medical Devices Workshop: Increasing Patient Healthcare Participation (2004)
- HCIL Visualizing Personal Histories: a Workshop(1997)