University of Maryland

Featured News

The purpose of visualization is insight, not pictures

An Interview with Ben Shneiderman, by Jessica Hullman in ACM Interactions ACM Interactions magazine is a mirror on the human-computer interaction and interaction design communities and beyond. It is a multiplicity of conversations, collaborations, relationships, and new discoveries focusing on how and why we interact with the designed world of technologies. Interactions has a special voice that lies between…

#HandsOffMyADA Campaign Research Sheds Light on Importance of Accessibility Features and Influencers

by Brooke Auxier…Since its inception in 2006, Twitter has been popularized as a space for the sharing of daily musing, #hottakes, and live-tweeting professional sports games and award shows. But the platform has also served as an effective environment for social activism and engagement around important topics. Though campaigns like #MeToo, the #IceBucketChallenge, and the…


HCIL 2019 News and Awards

Jason Farman published Delayed Response: The Art of Waiting from the Ancient to the Instant World, Yale University Press (2018). Ben Shneiderman published Twin-Win Research: Your Guidebook for Accelerating Campus Discovery and Innovation: Second Edition, Morgan & Claypool (2019). Ben Shneiderman published Encounters with HCI Pioneers: A Personal History and Photo Journal, Morgan & Claypool…

HCIL Welcomes Beth Domingo

In March, Beth Domingo joined the HCIL team as the new coordinator.

U. of Washington grad students celebrate HCIL Founding Director Ben Shneiderman

On January 22, 2019 a team of three students at the University of Washington presented the career of HCIL Founding Director Ben Shneiderman to their master’s degree class (HCDE 501 Theoretical Foundations) in the Department of Human-Centered Design & Engineering.   Their presentation adapted the newly installed timeline on Shneiderman’s website to show the highlights of…

HCIL faculty Niklas Elmqvist and Jennifer Golbeck receive ACM Distinguished Member Award

HCIL faculty Niklas Elmqvist and Jennifer Golbeck recognized for contributions that have revolutionized how we live, work and play, and receive Distinguished Member ACM Award

Six HCIL papers at the IEEE VIS 2018 conference

HCIL had six full papers presented at the IEEE VIS conference, and several other contributions in workshops, panels, and the doctoral colloquium.

A Motion to Consider: New Evidence for the Value of Animation in Visual Analysis

By Brian Ondov and Niklas Elmqvist Animation in data visualization has been through it all, from initial hype, to explosion of applications, to skepticism and debunking. If nothing else, though, the topic of animation is persistent, perennially asserting its presence both in design and in the scientific community. In fact, a landmark study casting doubt…

A Moment of Reflection: How Symmetry Can Help Us Interpret Charts

By Brian Ondov and Niklas Elmqvist Symmetry has a long history of study in perceptual psychology, from the Gestalt movement to modern, computerized experiments with flashing point clouds. Researchers have even tested whether this basic element of visual organization is still perceived by astronauts in microgravity (it is!). Much less studied, though, is how our…