University of Maryland

Featured News

Praise for Shneiderman’s ABCs of Research

Ben Shneiderman’s The New ABCs of Research has been getting great advance press .

Ben Shneiderman Named 2015 NAI Fellow

Dr. Ben Shneiderman  has been named a 2015 Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.

Jen Golbeck Receives Research Communicator Impact Award

Jen Golbeck is one of the recipients of the University of Maryland’s inaugural Research Communicator Impact Award.


Ben Shneiderman Receives Honorary Doctorate

Ben Shneiderman was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Science degree from Stony Brook University for his profound impact on the development of the field of computer science.

Mathur and Mauriello Receive Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award

HCIL PhD students Arunesh Mathur (iSchool) and Matt Mauriello (Computer Science) were recognized by the University of Maryland with the Outstanding Graduate Assistant 2015 Award.

Ben Bederson’s Food Safety Inspection Research in the Diamondback

The Diamondback described Ben Bederson’s restaurant food safety inspection research and subsequent company, Hazel Analytics, in its article “UMD Team Creates Nation’s Largest Food Safety Inspection Database.”

Allison Druin on All Things Considered

Allison Druin appeared on NPR’s All Things Considered as part of the story “Think Before You Hit Send To Avoid Text Regret“.

BodyVis Receives CHI Best Paper Honorable Mention

Leyla Norooz, Matt Mauriello, Anita Jorgensen, Brenna McNally, and Jon Froehlich earned a CHI 2015 best paper honorable mention for their paper “BodyVis: A New Approach to Body Learning Through Wearable Sensing and Visualization.”

Jen Golbeck Wins Faculty Award for Excellence in Mentoring

Jen Golbeck won the 2015 USM Board of Regents’ Faculty Award for Excellence in Mentoring.